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We cannot change the wind; however, we can adjust our sails to reach our destination.


7 thoughts to inspire you:  

You are special.  Everyone is a unique creation with a specific purpose in life. Embrace your individuality and let it shine.

Passion and motivation set success into motion. When we dream, we are motionless, but when we act, we move mountains.

Tough times do not linger. Better days are always around the corner. Keep your faith strong, and never give up hope.

In life, we have to get past the thorns to smell the roses. Persevere through challenges, and you will find the beauty on the other side.

Eliminate the negativity in your life, wherever it comes from. Surround yourself with positivity and uplifting influences.

We influence others through our actions. Everyone we meet teaches us something. Be open to learning and growing from each encounter.

Cherish today. Every day is precious! Live in the moment and appreciate the little things.

Kindness is a powerful force. A simple act of kindness can change someone's entire day.

Believe in yourself!

May we always have loving kindness, warm hearts, and an outstreched hand of tolerance.