Thompson, R. J. (2021). Manuscript ID JHTR-20-10-661 entitled "Seventy-five years
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Thompson, R. (2020). Simple ways we can support our industry. SECSA HEAT, 1(3), 11.
Thompson, R. (2017). Healthcare looks to another industry
to enhance overall patient experience. Healthcare Quarterly, 11, 55-57.
Thompson, R. (2016). An investigation of work environment characteristics
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of Southern Mississippi).
Thompson, R. (2014). Averting an Apathetic Mindset to Forge Employee Engagement within the Hospitality
Workforce: An Investigation of Hospitality Firms Selected to the Fortune Magazine’s 100 Best Companies to Work For in
2013 through Website Analysis. 21st Annual AHRD International Conference in the Americas. Houston, TX, February 20, 2014.
Annulis, H., Higgins, G., McDonald, J., Richie, J., Stout, B., Thompson, R., & Washington, S. (2012). Change Leaders Reflections
of Hurricane Katrina: A Qualitative Review. 12th Annual International Conference on Knowledge, Culture and Change, Chicago,
IL, July 6, 2012.
Flaherty, J., & Thompson, R. (2009). Confronting apathy to forge motivation within the hospitality workforce: A preliminary
investigation. 5th Annual Graduate Student Research Symposium, Travel and Tourism Research Association (Canada Chapter), Guelph,
ON, October 14, 2009.
Thompson, R. (2020). Keynote: “Pent-up demand increasing during COVID-19 pandemic.” 3rd ICOHOST
2020, GNA University, Punjab, India.
Thompson, R. (2020). Can hospitality industry best practices enhance the patient experience? Poster presented at
the Patient Experience Conference 2020. Virtual
E., & Thompson, R. (2020).
Mobile Strong in Hospitality and Tourism Certification. City of Mobile and Visit Mobile. Virtual.
Thompson, R. (2019).
“At Your Service.” Registrar’s Office Employees. The University of South Alabama. Mobile, AL.
Thompson, R. (2018).
“Hospitality in the Digital Age.” 2018 Southeast Tourism Society Marketing College. University of North Georgia.
Dahlonega, GA.
Green, E., & Thompson, R. (2018).
Y.E.S. (Youth Empowered for Success) to Hospitality. Mobile Public School System. Mobile, AL.
Green, E., & Thompson, R. (2017).
Y.E.S. (Youth Empowered for Success) to Hospitality. Mobile Public School System. Mobile, AL.
Thompson, R. (2017).
“Employee Relations and Work Engagement.” PCH Hotels Lunch and Learn. The Renaissance Riverview Hotel and Spa.
Mobile, AL.
R. (2015). Forging employee engagement
within the hospitality workplace: An investigation of the work environment characteristics and their influences on front-line
workforces in limited and full-service hotel properties. 2015 Annual Graduate Student Research Symposium. The University of
Southern Mississippi. Hattiesburg, MS.
Thompson, R. (2014). Averting an Apathetic Mindset to Forge Employee Engagement within the Hospitality Workforce:
An Investigation of Hospitality Firms Selected to the Fortune Magazine’s 100 Best Companies to Work For in 2013 through
Website Analysis. 2014 AHRD International Conference. Houston, TX.
Thompson, R. (2010). Keynote: “The
perception of value and the importance of packaging in today’s tough economic climate.” 2010 University of Arkansas
and Fayetteville CVB Hospitality Summit, Fayetteville, AR.
Thompson, R. (2009). Confronting apathy to forge motivation
within the hospitality workforce: A preliminary investigation. 5th Annual Graduate Student Research Symposium. Travel and
Tourism Research Association (Canada Chapter). Guelph, ON.