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"Called Home"

by Robert J. Thompson
(Dedicated to my Mother)

Looking down from Heaven
God saw your weary face
He gently called out to you
And blessed you with his grace.

He put his arms around you
And lifted you to his chest
Close your eyes my child
It's time for you to rest.

He knew that you were suffering
Enduring oh, such pain
Growing ever more weary
He came for his daughter, Elaine.

The road had been long and trying
The hills were difficult to climb
Cradling you in his arms
He whispered, "Elaine, it's time!"

It broke our hearts to lose you ...
We felt so all alone
Our lives just haven't been the same
Since the day, God called you home.

On Nov. 27, 1998, we lost my mother to a long fight with

"A mother knows the song of a child's heart and can sing it back when they have forgotten it."  - Unknown